1:1 virtual art sessions
ages 5+

Amy Sternberg
Amy sees art everywhere. And she always has. Growing up, she took every art class she could and knew she wanted to be that special person who taught the joy of art to colorful young minds and little hands that need to be busy. Amy’s love of kids drives every project she designs. Every brush stroke, dab of glue, fuzzy, shiny, or gooey ingredient is a learning opportunity. Amy would love to leave every student with the knowledge that everyone is an artist and that the elements for art are all around us.
Amy will design crafting opportunities especially for your child, projects will be age and Zoom appropriate, and every little artist will leave their hour of art feeling like they’ve created a masterpiece.
Amy can awaken the little artist in your little one, keep them fully engaged for an hour (that’s like five adult hours), and fun and giggles are guaranteed!
30 & 60 Minute Art Sessions
Let's create! In this 30 or 60 minute session your child will learn lettering and fun abstract art designs that inspire creativity. All you need are your basic markers, crayons and paper and Amy will customize a session just for you!